Church-Wide Fast (September 18-24)

There really is no better way to reset our spiritual compass and bring about refreshing in every area of our lives than through prayer and fasting. We pray that you will experience the presence and power of God in an extraordinary way as you commit yourself to Him over the next seven days.
God is moving in our midst like never before. We are living in a day and time that is unprecedented and unlike any other before us. Pastor Eugene prophesied in January, that 2017 would be A Year Of The Unseen. A mighty outpouring of God's Spirit has already begun, and as a statement of faith and unity, we are calling for a church-wide fast for the week of September 18-24. Pray about what the Lord would have you give up this week. Whether it's food, television, or even time away from your phone - choose to stand with us during this fast.
We have provided a Fasting Booklet as a tool to help keep you accountable for the next seven days. You will find encouraging scriptures as well as tips and advice on fasting. There's also a place for you to take notes and write down what God reveals to you through your fast! May God continue to bless you and reveal Himself to you as you seek Him first!