Deliverance Angels
A few weeks back, I was praying in the shower like I often do, and I began to call down Deliverance Angels from heaven. Up until that...

Thriving In Babylon
For about a week now, I've been waking up at exactly the same time. When this happens, I know God is trying to tell me something. When I...

Kingdom Living
What is kingdom living? What does it look like? How do we obtain it and how do we get there? IT IS LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY! IT IS IN YOU!...

Supernatural Living
Our Heavenly Father is the Ultimate supernatural being. There is none greater then HE. There is no power over HIM and never will be. He...

Free Yourself From The Spirit Of Offense
Have you ever been offended? Is there someone just can't quite forgive? Are you having trouble moving on with your life? Then you need...

The Abundant Life: Letting God's Abundance Overflow
Does God really want us to live in abundance? Is it really possible to live a debt free life? Are Christians truly supposed to prosper?...

Living In The Favor Of God
The favor of God will rest in your life, if you are willing to receive it. His word says that you will have favor with both God and man....

Faith Explosion: Why Confessing God's Word Is Powerful
Each week, I write positive confessions to build myself and others up in faith. We can use positive confessions to grow our faith and...

Declare & Decree Victory
DECLARE & DECREE VICTORY As the body of Christ, we must get in the habit of speaking VICTORY over ourselves, in every area of our lives....

Uncomfortable Change Is A Blessing
UNCOMFORTABLE CHANGE IS A BLESSING How can something be a blessing if it doesn't feel good in the moment? I'm sure at one time or...