Battle Strategies Workshop - Wednesday July 19
You are invited to join Pastor Sadie Wednesday, July 19 for a workshop called Battle Strategies. She will be going in depth about what...

Family Movie Night - Sunday, June 25
Join us this Sunday for Family Movie Night! Our featured film is Finding Dory. Kids on a Missions will be serving popcorn and snacks....

Father's Day - Sunday, June 18
Join us this Sunday as we celebrate Father's Day. Pastor Eugene has been doing a series on Honor for the last several weeks, and we are...

Men of Purpose - Wednesday, June 6
Our monthly men's fellowship will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall this Wednesday at 7pm. Dairyland will be catering. Invite a friend!

Family Night - Wednesday May 31
This Wednesday is Family Night! Bring your favorite casserole, side dish or dessert. We love getting together as a family and enjoying...

Cornerstone Military Memorial "Groundbreaking Ceremony" - May 29
Join us on Memorial Day - Monday, May 29 at 10:30am as we celebrate the groundbreaking of Cornerstone Military Memorial. This project has...

Formal Dedication of Cornerstone Community Center - Sunday May 21
Join us this Sunday, May 21 from 1-3pm as we celebrate the grand opening and formal dedication of Cornerstone Community Center. We are so...

Senior Celebration - Sunday May 21
We will be celebrating our high school class of 2017 graduates from Christian Missions this week! Join with us as we honor these students...

Women of Fire - Wednesday May 17
Attention Ladies! Our monthly fellowship is here! Join us this Wednesday for Women of Fire! Bring your favorite casserole, side-dish or...

Tiger Challenge 2017
It's that time again! Tiger Challenge is this Thursday and Friday, May 11 & 12. This is one of the largest youth outreach events we...