Men of Purpose - Wednesday, November 1
Attention Men! Our monthly men's fellowship will be held this Wednesday in our fellowship hall at 7:00pm. Dinner will be provided, so...

Family Movie Night - Saturday, October 21
We're serving up a 90s blast from a past with this month's Family Movie Night. Join us for our featured film Little Giants. Pee-Wee...

Homecoming Bonfire 2017
Christian Missions and the Jacksboro FCA proudly present this year's Homecoming Bonfire. For the last 13 years, the homecoming...

The Blessed Life - 4 Week Course
For the month of October, we are providing a 4 week class, FREE OF CHARGE, on Kingdom Finances, and discovering the benefits of living a...

Women Of Fire - Wednesday, September 20
Attention Ladies! Women of Fire is back after a summer-long hiatus! Join us this Wednesday at 7PM in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Sadie is...

Church-Wide Fast (September 18-24)
THE 7 DAY COMMITMENT There really is no better way to reset our spiritual compass and bring about refreshing in every area of our lives...

FCA - Wednesday, September 6
FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES will be meeting at Cornerstone Community Center this Wednesday at 7:00pm. All Jacksboro High School...

Men of Purpose - Wednesday, September 6
Men of Purpose will be meeting this Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Dairyland will be catering. This is our first meeting of...

Back 2 School Bash 2017
As many of you know, we host several events for the youth of the community each year. One of our newer events is the Back 2 School Bash....

Family Movie Night - Sunday, July 30
Join us for our final Family Movie Night of the Summer! Kids on a Mission will be serving popcorn and snacks. The featured film will be...