Homecoming Bonfire 2017
Christian Missions and the Jacksboro FCA proudly present this year's Homecoming Bonfire. For the last 13Â years, the homecoming...

The Blessed Life - 4 Week Course
For the month of October, we are providing a 4 week class, FREE OF CHARGE, on Kingdom Finances, and discovering the benefits of living a...

Women Of Fire - Wednesday, September 20
Attention Ladies! Women of Fire is back after a summer-long hiatus! Join us this Wednesday at 7PM in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Sadie is...

Church-Wide Fast (September 18-24)
THE 7 DAY COMMITMENT There really is no better way to reset our spiritual compass and bring about refreshing in every area of our lives...

The Winds Of Change
Sometimes the Lord will instruct you to do strange and unusual things. Are you willing to look foolish to those around you if the Holy...

FCA - Wednesday, September 6
FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES will be meeting at Cornerstone Community Center this Wednesday at 7:00pm. All Jacksboro High School...

Men of Purpose - Wednesday, September 6
Men of Purpose will be meeting this Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Dairyland will be catering. This is our first meeting of...